Getting into the correct backswing position is very critical for hitting a great golf shot. If you are inconsistent and find yourself either pulling the ball and/or blocking your golf shot to the right, you may want to try this golf tip.
At the completion of your backswing, feel like you are holding a tray in your right hand. By doing so, you will create the proper rotation of the arms that will allow you to have a square clubface at the top of your backswing. A square club at the top of the backswing equals a square clubface at impact as well. This position will increase your chances of hitting your ball more on target. This is an excellent tip to feel the correct position at the top of the backswing. When people get into a rut where the ball is going way left or right, it’s because they are either in a closed position or open position at the top of their back swing. Holding the tray is a great way to feel the correct backswing position and this is a tip that is easy to take onto the golf course.
Good luck and practice hard!!
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